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revolver journal » Blog Archive » I Miss You Revolver…

I Miss You Revolver…

by carr

Hey gang

Things here in Fl. are pretty cool, but theres something missing: REVOLVER. Just talked to Rob and he told me about the new schedule. Great to hear you guys are still kicking ass. It also made me think of moments I loved in Revolver and led me to this: Fav. moments in Revolver History! One of mine is Farrell chasing down someone in a cartoonish style just t opay them back 5 dolalrs. Tell me one of your fav. Revolver moments!

  1. jorin Says:

    Well, if it’s outside of shows, we were just talking about the pre-iO holiday party last year. I had a blast sitting around eating cheese and drinking wine and ironing our transfers onto our jackets. That was really pretty sweet.

    Similarly, hanging out for the Oscars was pretty fun too. I guess those were some of the first times we really were around each other socially, and it was cool to do that, and have it be a good time.

    And, when we all showed up and sang karaoke on Leah’s birthday, that was pretty awesome too.

    And the La Vida Logo party. Good stuff, and Rob looked great in that mustache.

    Or recently when Rob & Mike & Ryan Murphy met up with me and just sort of watched me stumble around trashed with these amused looks on their faces. I took some glee out of that.

    And I know it was in limited numbers, but our LA trip was amazing. I hope we can go and see something like Chucky B again this next year.

    I guess it’s just a cool thing that there are all these truly superior and memorable moments in just over a year together that don’t even have anything to do with shows — and tons of moments in shows too.

    Mike, we miss you too, a lot. Have an amazing and humid holiday season.

  2. rob Says:

    I think I need help filling in the details, but:

    It was during a group game/scene when a ton of crazy stuff was going on.  Len came out and said something to which the person in the scene replied "Who are you?".  Len replied "It doesn’t matter".  Well…in print that doesn’t sound very funny at all.  It probably doesn’t help that I do not remember any of the specifics to the scene either.  Regardless, it was hilarious.

    I also really liked Vanessa and I as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I never had so much fun bombing in a scene. 

    Let’s see…that one Sunday (I remember it was during the pride parade) where the majority of us met at Mullen’s around 4 to have a beer (rehearsal was canceled) and it turned into a ridiculously drunk evening.  I’m pretty sure that it was Enriquez who got the ball rolling with the first round of tequila shots at around 4:45 or 5PM.


  3. jorin Says:

    Oh yeah, Rob, that was great. The Pride Parade day — we went and saw Roadster’s first show, and Carr (I think, right?) dropped his glass on the floor at iO. Pretty rad stuff.

  4. vanessa Says:

    I think that was the same night that Enriquez asked me whose balls I would lick if I had to choose between him, Carr, and Rob.  I realized that night, that even if I had a bad rehearsal or a terrible show, I would always have Revolver’s respect.

  5. ryan Says:

    My favorite moment was when Mike didn’t show up at the Asylum in Boston when i was there a few weeks ago.

    Coulda played, dog.  (Sorry, I’m watching the Wire.)

    Hope all is well in Florida.

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