In Dreams
by robI rarely remember my dreams and I am jealous of those who do on a regular basis. Most of the dreams that I remember involve me getting embarrassed, screwing up, or just failing in general. I am typically getting in trouble at work or forgetting an assignment/test/speech in college (on a side note: I think it is strange that I still have dreams that I am in college when it has been three years since I’ve graduated. I don’t have nightmares about past jobs or anything like that). And sometimes I dream about improv like I did this Sunday night…
We (Revolver) were doing a harold at iO and from what I was observing (initially I was on the side of the stage) things were going really well. The theatre was full of people and you could see everyone’s face (the stage light’s weren’t blinding). They were all laughing and having a good time. I couldn’t wait to get out onto the stage. I came out and (I forget who I was in the scene with) I said something that just bombed. I remember seeing the audiences’ faces sporting looks like “what did he just say”? It was dead quiet. I kept trying to dig myself out of a hole and it only got worse. Then, and in my head I was thinking “no Rob don’t do it”, I decided to go to my “go to” (this isn’t my go to in real life, but I guess in this dream it was). My “go to” being me miming that I am taking my member out of my pants. This didn’t go over well either. I then found myself back on the side of the stage and, once again, everyone else is doing really well. I, with restored confidence, decide to make my way back out…only this time…no one joined me on stage. Out of nowhere the lights went out and there was a single spotlight in the center of the stage. I was wondering what in the hell our coach was thinking, but then, thinking I am quick on my feet I decided to launch into an improvised stand up routine. I don’t remember much of it, but I do remember that it involved me making fun of foreign people. It was really bad. Then Farrell came in and started a scene about war and I said, I really said, ”I bet those foreigners will start running when they see this (and I once again resorted to my “go to”). This move of sheer brilliance was met with complete silence and Farrell looking at me like I was an idiot.
Mercifully, I woke up, very, very thankful that it was only a dream. I am also really jealous of people who have those dreams where they wake up and are bummed out that it was only a dream.
August 29th, 2006 at 11:05 pm
Rob, that was completely my fault. I should have backed your move, and exposed myself as well.
I’m very sorry.
War? What the fuck. Sometimes I don’t know what I’m thinking.
Also, I constantly dream that I’m back in school. Those are the worst
August 30th, 2006 at 8:05 am
Rob, that is awesome. I have a reasonably frequent number of performance anxiety dreams, but none involve dreaming up such a great go-to.
I really hope you use that gem, just out of nowhere, in the waking world.
I used to have dreams when I was a kid that I was waking up and flying, but usually it was just down the stairs in my house. So it wasn’t really like I was ripping through the skies or anything.
I also, and this will make me sound crazy, am not totally in disbelief of the idea of ESP, because I feel like I get deja vu every few months because I feel like I’ve dreamed some situation exactly weeks earlier. But it’s not useful, because I only remember it when it happens. And it’s never anything big — it’s more like, “Hey, wait a minute, I’ve dreamed sitting in this chair before”.
Which I think probably points to having a fairly predictable life than any kind of super powers.